
Embracing the essence of Kshatriya Dharma and re imagining the governance ethos of 'Kshatra,' the Kshatriya community in Texas embarked on a transformative journey. Born from these noble principles, the NAKSHATRA Family group emerged in 2010, igniting a spirit of unity and purpose. What began with nearly 50 plus families in the heart of Dallas has flourished into a tapestry of strength and growth, with over 500 families becoming an integral part of the vibrant Dallas landscape. Beyond Dallas, the echoes of this community's vision resonate across Austin, San Antonio, and Houston, where its presence shines brilliantly. As we march forward, let our tightly knit bonds continue to strengthen, cultivating a future where this community thrives harmoniously, hand in hand while making an impact in the society.

"Kshatra" and "Kshatriya Dharma" are related concepts, but they are not exactly the same.

**Kshatra:** "Kshatra" refers to the concept of rulership, governance, and authority. In ancient Indian society, "Kshatra" represented the power and responsibility of rulers, warriors, and leaders who maintained order, protected the people, and upheld justice. It encompassed not only the physical aspects of power but also the moral and ethical obligations that came with it.

**Kshatriya Dharma:** "Kshatriya Dharma" refers to the ethical and moral duties, responsibilities, and principles that guide the conduct of Kshatriyas—the warrior and ruler class. It encompasses the values and behaviors that Kshatriyas are expected to uphold, such as protecting the weak, maintaining justice, showing courage, and fulfilling their duties to society.

While "Kshatra" is more focused on the position of authority and leadership, "Kshatriya Dharma" delves into the broader ethical framework and values that define the behavior and actions of Kshatriyas. Both concepts are intertwined, as the exercise of "Kshatra" is expected to be guided by the principles of "Kshatriya Dharma."

In modern times, the traditional roles and structures have evolved, and these concepts are interpreted in ways that align with contemporary values and societal needs. The principles of "Kshatriya Dharma" can be relevant for individuals and communities seeking to uphold ethical values, serve others, and contribute positively to society, even if the roles of rulers and warriors have transformed over time.

NA*KSHATRA is born out of these words for North America .


Kshatriyas in 21st Century


Kshatriya Dharma